
Thursday 19 December 2013

Pre School in Vikas Puri, Pre School in Janak Puri, MRV School

Pre School in Vikas Puri

MRV International, Pre School in Vikas Puri plays an important role in building foundation for your children’s growth. We develop the basic skills like emotional and cognitive skills during the pre schooling period.

Many Preschool offers all sorts of privileges to the children along with various extra curricular activities like puppet shows, storytelling, dramatization, games, block building etc. They give practical as well as development projects to the children, which leads them to develop a base for the creative, intellectual and emotional quotient. Kids are allowed to explore, observe as well as create the various concepts. They are introduced with the social factor in the school while they communicate with their fellows.

We train for children on stage performances for facing the audiences with confidence. The festival celebrations educate them about the relevance of various occasions India. The music, dance and sports activities shape the raw brains of children. The learning procedure is slow and steady to implant the skills, manners and creativity into the kids. The teachers help in strengthening the bond between the parents and children by regularly inviting the parents to the functions.

You should enroll your words in Play School to impart them the focused and quality primary education. They are developing soft skills like sharing, caring, responsibility, confidence and independence during the pre schooling phase. Children perform better in upcoming classes when they attend preschools.

There is no feeling in the world like seeing your bambino walk into the play school for the first time. Your child gets the best experience in this critical juncture helping him grow into a little person rich with self- esteem and confidence. You would be right going for a Preschool Delhi, where you are guaranteed that your child will receive a good atmosphere complete with ebullience and the basic elements needed for a child's development.

Growing up while a child needs to express his creativity, understand and learn things surrounding them. Preschools should administer these facets of a growing child and provide them a safe and learning atmosphere where they can grow learning things at their own pace away from the norms set up by the world. When enrolling your tot into a preschool Delhi make sure that you go through the curriculum of the school. It should be simple and thought- provoking helping them release patterns, colors, alphabets, and numbers. A good preschool clubs teaching along with fun and games to make the learning easy and simple.

Pre School in Vikas Puri has a good amount of outdoor play activities. A playschool without the element of outdoor games will not complete a child's growth. The school has extra- development activities such as music, dance, drawing and painting, pottery classes, and other such activities. These activities are crucial for letting out a child's creativity while also knowing his congenital skills.

A playschool away from the hustles of the city would a better choice and offer better safety and providing a clean environment for the child to grow. Talk to the teachers about the child's likes and dislikes, so they can interact with him better.

Friday 22 November 2013

Day Care In Janak Puri

Are you working parents and looking for Best Day Care in Janak Puri? Then these are the must have facilities that good day care should be equipped with. Child as young as 6 months can be send to day care center, provided, you as parent, is satisfied and tension free after seeing the safety measures of the day care. Nowadays, you can actually watch your child live on CCTV. You can catch all the beautiful moments of your little one without feeling guilty of leaving him and going to office. These centers help you in celebrating your kid’s childhood even when you are not always there in person with them.
Good Day Care in Janak Puri sends you daily reports through photographs of your young one and captures their laughing times through videos. You can watch them and share them on facebook. Frequent E-mails also help you in keeping touch with what is going on in their lives on daily basis. Personalized touch is provided by caring child care executives and loving nannies. Sensitivity of the mentors comes in handy in nurturing your child’s needs and fulfilling them even without their telling them. Physical touch like hugging and kissing are as important as other educational activities, don’t worry, your child gets plenty of them in these day care centers. 

Pre School In Janak Puri

MRV International is a pre - school in Janak Puri whose chairperson Dr. Pranvi luthra is leading all the branches. It is a pre School with a difference. School believes in holistic development of children, here with fun and and enjoyment learning takes place. Preschool teachers and child care providers play a critical role in promoting literacy and preparing young children for kindergarten. Preschool program, activities that build a solid foundation for reading, and how to advocate for your preschool child if you suspect learning delays.

Young children acquire the language and phonemic awareness skills that will help them become strong readers, warning signs of delayed development, and how parents can support their child's literacy skills through meaningful conversation and read aloud. Here at MRV International your child will learn all these types of skills. Reading books together in which the characters are going through the same thing can also help preschooler develop these important skills. Choosing a preschool for your child can be a tough decision; what works for one child may not work for another. This is particularly true for a preschooler with special learning or behavior needs.

So here at MRV International Janak Puri we are providing these all facilities and know all where about that how to handle all situation with different kids. It's never too early to read to your baby. As soon as your baby is born, he or she starts learning. Just by talking to, playing with, and caring for your baby every day, you help your baby develop language skills necessary to become a reader. By reading with your baby, you foster a love of books and reading right from the start. Here at MRv international we are inculcating and developing this habit more. Being a toddler is all about action. 

Encourage continued language development and interest in books and reading by keeping things lively and engaging. Everyday experiences are full of opportunities to engage in conversation and develop language skills. Parent-teacher conferences are a great opportunity for families to sit down one-on-one with your child's teacher and talk about school progress. And at our school MRV International we are doing this with complete dedication.

Our pre school MRV International provides a wonderful opportunity for your child to make new friends, socialize, and learn from an adult. Nursery rhymes are important for young children because they help develop an ear for our language. Both rhyme and rhythm help kids hear the sounds and syllables in words, which helps kids learn to read! The first five years of a child's life are a time of tremendous physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth. The experiences a child has during this time can make an impact on their readiness to learn. And we are at MRV International is doing and implementing this all which we help in your child’s growth. Reading skills provide a critical foundation for children's academic success. Children who read well read more and, as a result, acquire more knowledge in numerous domains. So as a sum up We can say that this all is there at MRV International School Janak Puri.

Thursday 21 November 2013

MRV International

The management of MRV International

is passionate about investing in children for its infinite plans for future of making nation and the world a beautiful place to live in peace and harmony. 

MRV International stands for value oriented education that allows children to bloom with perfection- being firm of right habits and values. Simultaneously exercising correct learning styles for developing lust for learning and desire for discovery. We make sure that the child who enters the school should move out confident child and make all feel his/her identity in the formal school.